Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Curve Studios - The joys of working with Sony [Interview]


Recently I interviewed Curve Studios, the studio behind Vita and PS3 ports of Lone Survivor, Thomas Was Alone, Stealth Inc and others, to discuss what it's like to work with Sony and what they plan to do in future.

You can read the interview here:

This, alongside the interview with the lovely Jasper Byrne, the excellent mind behind Lone Survivor, was part of my first professional interview and I had a good time doing it and wish both parties the best of luck in their future endeavors.

Thanks and enjoy reading,

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Atlus announces multiple Persona games


So, earlier today Atlus announced 3 Persona games and that one will be making its way from arcades to consoles. I'm unbelievably excited as Persona 4: Golden is my all-time favourite game.

I covered news for 3 of the games on PS3Attitude and PS4Attitude, obviously not covering the 3DS game as I write for a Sony-centric website.

Persona 4 Arena: The Ultimate Ultra Suplex Hold:

Persona 4: Dancing All Night:

Persona 5:

Are you excited? I'll be covering these games as details become available so keep an eye on my blog and the above websites, please.

Thanks, hope you enjoy!

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Jasper Byrne - The definitive version of Lone Survivor?


On behalf of PS4Attitude I had an interview with Jasper Byrne, the man behind indie-hit Lone Survivor, about the creation of the game and his relationship with publisher Curve Studios.

An exerpt can be read below.

"As horror games are designed to scare the players, we were curious as to whether or not Jasper had ever been scared by his own creation. Although he was familiar with the entire game, due to the amount of content packed into it Jasper had forgotten some things that managed to catch him off-guard at a later date. The game managed to make me pause the game multiple times to gather my bearings, so I can’t even imagine how it must’ve been to work on in the early hours of the morning. Jasper hopefully worked with the light on!"

Read the entire interview here:

Expect a Curve Studios interview soon!

Hope you enjoy reading,